Patients are able to call the dedicated Medicines Order Line number 01246 588860 to speak to an experienced call handler when needing to reorder a repeat prescription.
The Prescription Medicines Order Line has been very busy due to an increased number of people trying to call to order their repeat prescriptions. The graph above shows the quietest times to call.
In the first instance, please try to call them; however, if call volumes are high then to save you waiting they have introduced a call back system which you can request by sending an email to their Medicines Order Line inbox.
Before calling or requesting a call back patients are advised to:
- Check your medication cupboard before ordering
- Order your prescription when you have 7 days of medication left
- Let us know if you have a build-up of medication so we can adjust the quantities
- Do not order medicines ‘just in case’. If you need the medication in future then you will still be able to request it even if not ordered regularly.
- Let us know if you have stopped taking any of your medicines
If you wish to request a call back, please include the following information on your email
- The name of your GP practice
- Your name
- Your date of birth
- Your contact telephone number (please do not give us the number of a line that will not accept incoming calls)
The email address to send your request to is: ddccg.northMOLonlinerequests@nhs.net