Training Practice

We are a registered Training Practice and offer work placement for health professionals who are undergoing post-graduate training, for example qualified doctors who are training to become general practitioners and nurses who are going to become community specialists.

Patients may choose not to be seen by professionals undergoing training and you will always be asked if you have any objections.

On occasions we ask to may make video recordings of patients’ consultations with the doctor in order to give feedback to the trainee; but this will not be done without a patients consent and intimate physical examinations will not be recorded.

Any planned video recording will be explained fully to patients and they will have a full opportunity to give or withdraw their consent.

If a patient does not wish to have their consultation recorded this decision will not affect the consultation or future care with the doctor. The camera will not be switched on if a signed consent form is not presented to the doctor.

It may be helpful to understand the training pathway for doctors in Primary Care.

All Doctors start as medical students and typically continue training until they become a consultant, GP (General Practitioner) or SAS (specialist, associate specialist and specialty) doctor.

Students studying medicine typically undertake a 5-year degree.

They then have 2 Foundation Years of further training and development – FY1 and FY2 (Foundation Years). These Doctors are qualified doctors and have 4-month placements in different areas in both Primary Care (GP Practices) and Secondary Care (Hospital).

If doctors decide they would like to be a GP rather than a hospital doctor or consultant they then study for a further 3 years – these years are known as ST1, ST2, and ST3 (Speciality Training). These years are spent on placements in different GP Practices. At the end of 3 years, having passed a series of exams they will be qualified GPs.

Doctors who are in their FY1, FY2 and ST1, ST2 and ST3 years are usually referred to as the more commonly known term ‘Junior Doctors’.

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